Monday 11 April 2016

The Major Advertising HUB (@PreachNetworkNG)

Welcome to the home of advertising in NIGERIAThe homepage that takes you on a journey of advertising from church events,  school,  government,  business,  services,  music,  articles and anything you can think of. 
                                                                    No Junk!
                                               Always straight to the point.  Advertising! 

We're the full stop that ends every good sentence. With a different and outstanding Advertising Campaign, we take you on a journey of perfection. Giving you the right word and the right Attitude to achieve your required goal with no regret. We give you the best from our outside point of view.

               WHY US?

(1)  We plan and  implement the organization's effort to influentially use social media effectively
(2)  To monitor the activities of the organization so as to anticipate, analyze and interpret public opinion and attitudes that might impact for good or ill the operations of the organization.
(3)  Aimed at achieving the largest targeted audience at the lowest cost.



(1)  Plan social media campaigns
(2)  Manage accounts
(3)  Provide creative services (provide cool words and phrases for your ads, Graphic designs.)
(4)  Advert placement
(5)  Logistics (office supplies & appliances, stationary, stamps, internet provision & installation and diseal delivery)


(1) Facebook
(2) Twitter
(3) Instagram
(4) SMS
(5) BBM
(6) Whats App
(7) LinkedIn
(8) Our Blog (a major advertising blog)

                           ( Quality )

                          Effective Campaign

                          24 Hours Service

                    Follow Up Service 
( we don't just post an ad,  we follow you up even after posted ad).  We loyal!

                     Cheap and  Reliable. 

Aimed at achieving the largest targeted audience at the lowest cost.

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